June 26, 2011

Now hearing the case of: Chapter Two- In The Shadow Of Gotham

"Give me a man or woman who had read a thousand books and you give me an interesting companion. Give me a man or woman who has read perhaps three and you give me a dangerous enemy indeed."
-Anne Rice, The Witching Hour

Hello again! I just have to tell you how much I love these quotes that I'm putting in the beginning of each post. There's this great website that has them all listed out for me (If it were up to my memory, you would be quoteless!) and somebody (maybe the community?) has rated them according to something, but there are stars next to it so yeah, anyways though here's the link: Reading Quotes. Enjoy!

All right, second thing, I have noticed how weird this page makes the body of the text look for these posts and I'm sorry, I'll try to get that sorted out to make it wider and save your scroll wheel/ touchpad.

But alas! I must stop going on tangents and give you the summary of (a rather short) chapter two!

So we ended chapter one with Ziele rushing outside to meet his partner, Joe Healy, who has found something of importance to the case. And it turns out he has found two very important things! First off, he has found muddy footprints leading in and out of the house. The mud isn't yet dry, so that must mean that the man who had committed the crime came from the woods behind the Wingate home. These footprints were measured and photographed for later. One thing that struck odd to Ziele was the way the print was pressed, with a well defined toe and a smudged heel. This would have shown that he had something caked onto the back of his boot, or he had a limp. This would normally mean that the person is old, has a cane, and/or had broken a leg/hip and it hadn't healed right? The last sentence was all me simply assuming stuff, but it's a possibility.

The second thing found was a locket, covered with mud and blood and engraved with 'For S.W.'. This locket was tied to a blue ribbon and was engraved with this really fancy word that translates into 'EXPENSIVE'. Inside were mini-portraits of an older man, and Sarah. This is mentioned later in the chapter, but it is kind of odd to have a picture of yourself in a locket. Normally you would have pictures of mom and dad, son and daughter, cousins, brothers, sisters, but yourself? Who does that??

But anyways, after those two discoveries, Joe and Ziele decide that the house should be cleared for the night and proceed to do so. On his way to grab his things, Ziele is reminded that Abigail is waiting in the library for him and he needed to ask her some things. As they speak there isn't really anything important until she asks where Stella, their maid, is. All of her clothes and her suitcase were still at the house, and she had no friends nearby because she had only been in the area a few months.

So we'll keep that in mind. Next is some more information about happenings at the approximate time of the murder. So the murder happened at about three o'clock. Convenient, because that's when everyone will have left the house that day. Maud Muncie, the head cook, housekeeper, and mother of Charlie Muncie was out shopping, Abigail was out walking the footballs- sorry, the terriers, and Mrs. Virginia Westgate went out for tea with Ms. Stratton. Very convenient, right? Abigail did mention one oddity with the afternoon though, there was an odd man walking in the forest wearing a 'bushy hat'. Do we have out murderer? I think not. If the murderer were to approach the house through the forest, he wouldn't have walked so close to the road/sidewalk that he could be seen. Not in the right mind of a murderer anyways.

These were the big events of the chapter though, some small things like Mrs. Wingate not wanting to leave the home that night happened towards the end of the chapter, but that was all of the major things. As usual, thank you for reading and since this was such a short chapter, later today I will be posting the summary of chapter three!