May 31, 2011

And away we go!

A writer only begins a book. A reader finishes it."

- Samuel Johnson

        All right, starting the book assignment thing-a-ma-bob! And step one to world domination (or reading the book, whatever you want to call it) is breakdown of the summary of the book in question. So here we go! (And a quick heads up, a lot of this information is STRAIGHT out of the  summary, so I'm no Sherlock Holmes.)
       The setting is Dobson, New York... And according to the great and glorious Google... Dobson doesn't exist. 
       So now that we've moved past that, the year is 1905. I guess some cool things happened in 1905. Las Vegas was founded... founded... that was a long time ago! This was also the year Einstein presented his Theory of Relativity, So I guess that's pretty important. But I guess other than that, it was a boring year, so this books events should mark a fairly large event, shouldn't it?
       Next up is a main character: Detective Simon Ziele.  Simon meaning "to hear/be heard" and Ziele meaning... well I actually couldn't find an exact meaning, but I guess it is a real last name... somewhere out there. He is a widower, due to the fact that his wife died on the Gen. Solcum on June 15, 1904 in the East River, New York City, New york. This event actually happened (thank you Google!) and claimed the lives of 900-1000 people on board. According to what I've read, the boat had a fire in the lower decks and, because of it's swift speed, caused the entire boat in flames in the middle of the river. So Detective Ziele moved North of NYC. 

        Now to the case! A young girl, Sarah Wingate, was murdered in her bedroom in the middle of the day in the winter of '05 (the same year the book is set in). Now I'm just thinking here, but for a young girl to be murdered in her bedrooms in the middle of the day, this needs to have been a family member, delivery person, close family friend, or somebody that worked on the house that knows the ins and outs (what kind of locks they would have on the doors, where you can enter unseen, how you could hide inside the house well. That kind of thing.)
         Yay for more new characters! Okay, now we have someone named Alistar Sinclair. I looked up the name and found that Alistar means "mans defender" in one translation, and Sinclair means "from Saint-Clair." Saint-Clair is a place in northern France supposedly. Anyways, this Alistar Sinclair is a "noted criminologist" at Columbia University. According to the summary she has one research subject, Michael Fromley, that she offers evidence about. It says nothing about possible other work, and the book might not either. But I guess if you're going to do study somebody/something, you might as well put all of your effort into it, right? Back on topic, this Fromley fellow seems to have been muttering things that sound shockingly close to facts about this case. Obviously he's nuts, just saying.
        Detective Ziele I guess teams up with Mr. Sinclair to solve the murder and bring peace justice back to the imaginary town of Dobson, New York! One thing that puzzled me about the summary was one line of text. Blah, blah, blah, catching killers, haunted dudes... a-ha! "...while on the run from his own demons." Ziele's wife died, so I guess that would make him... slightly crazy for a while. but from his "demons"? Maybe he has PTSD and this case brought out the bad effects? I don't know, but I soon will!

      Not sure what's up with the formatting issue at the top, but thanks for reading my little blog over here in the corner of the massive sea of blogs, and if you have any feedback feel free to leave a comment or use the little rating checkboxes!

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