May 28, 2011

Post number two!

I know the title was a teeny tiny bit unnecessary, but it made me feel good... Yeah okay not really, but anyways, some news, bragging, and books to share with you guys!
First off, I went to Universal's Islands of adventure yesterday, and went almost immediately back to the Harry Potter world thing that was just added recently. I felt like I was that 11 year old watching the first movie (Harry Potter and the Sorcerers/Philosophers Stone) again. But I wasn't, I'm 17. But we walked around, didn't get to try out the butterbeer or check out the wand selection thing at Olivanders (Though I did get a wand that the test I took TODAY told me I should get; the Holly 18" wand) but I did get the chance to go on the magical floaty chairs ride inside of Hogwarts.

But back to the main topic, books!
I finally got the book I've been waiting for from the library:  In The Shadow of Gotham by Stefanie Pintoff.
so what I'm going to do first is give you a rundown on how my book analyzations are going to work.

  1. I'm going to read the summary of the book.
    1. From that I'm going to post an analytical break down as to when and where the book takes place, what kind of book, and any awards it may have been given.
  2. Then I'm going to start the book, reading chapter by chapter and posting HERE with:
    1. What happens in the chapter
    2. Which characters are involved
    3. and when it takes place.
Hopefully I will be posting weekly, but with my schedule, that would be pushing it! I will probably add onto the list as I get pointers and such from the community and my teacher(s). And please feel free to comment with anything I could add to the list that would make it better in any way.

And this is the only post that will not have a quote in the beginning, I didn't want to waste one on this post!

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