May 26, 2011

Forever Free!

Once you learn to read, you will be forever free. 
         - Frederick Douglass

Hello there world! My name is Jeremy, Crazymanongames, Bulbasaur, and even Fluffy sometimes, but all the same I LOVE TO READ! I'm starting this blog because my class on FLVS requires it, but I think I am going to use this for a few years to come! Fair warning, I probably am going to be a bit of a different writer than most bloggers because I don't think that slipping in with the norm is the right way to go. And also, every post will have a quote about books or reading at the head of the train!

Anyways, right to the topic: reading. So the first thing I need in here for the grade is what my results were on the "What kind of reader are you?" quiz. My favorite topic is, as expected, fiction. I love stories that take you out of where you ARE and lead you your mind across the ocean, across the sky, even across the solar system! and to quote the results, "If it's not real, it's right up your alley!"

My secondary result was the drama category. Well... I'm not sure how to react about that, but I guess it fits. I do honestly like it when a book takes itself seriously, but not too seriously, you know? But I guess with my liking sci-fi and the mystery genres, you can have the best of both worlds. Fictional settings with real world facts and such added in.

Question dos: What was the last thing you read that you enjoyed? why?
Well, I actually just recently finished a book titled "The Leviathans of Jupiter" by Ben Bova. Basically, man is all over our galaxy with settlements, colonies, and research stations. One such station, Station Gold, is being visited by a team of very important people. These people are for ME to know and YOU to find out if you need a good book. Anyways, the team of people are in for the journey (and discovery) of the century with technology that you wouldn't imagine. Mr. Bova does an amazing job of painting the Jovian adventure clearly across the pages.

So dear reader(s maybe?), thank you for reading through my shabby mess of a first blog, and have a good day, night, afternoon, evening, dinner, breakfast, or whatever your doing!

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